It has been a quieter month than October/November, thank goodness! Less rushing around, but still busy. The talk at Darwen was a bit disappointing because very few people turned up; but on the plus side it was lovely to meet Elizabeth Ashworth, a facebook friend and fellow writer, in the flesh. We found we had a lot in common and had a good chat at the end of the session. The ladies who did come along were very friendly and seemed to really enjoy the talk, and bought several books, which was encouraging.

The big new is that we are off on another cruise on January 5th. I’ve been asked to teach Creative Writing on board the Cruise and Maritime ship Marco Polo, cruising to South America. We call at ports all along the eastern coast, including Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires, then go over to the Falklands and the Straits of Magellan, and then work our way back northwards. It sounds really exciting, as we have never been to South America before. I shall only have to teach on the days when we are at sea, but that adds up to about 30, so it is a lot of time to fill. I am hoping for a really lively group of passengers to help things go with a swing. Whatever happens, it will be easier than the drama coach job I did on the last voyage!

This means, of course, that I have had to get ahead with a lot of things I might otherwise have left until after Christmas, particularly in the garden. We shall not be home until the last day of February, so clearing up dead stuff and pruning shrubs can’t be left until we get back. That, along with the usual preparations for Christmas, has kept me pretty busy, as you can imagine.

I am still hoping to find an agent who will take me on and, hopefully, get a publisher interested in IRONHAND. I’ve finished the sequel, GOD’S WARRIOR, but the third book in the series will probably have to wait until we get back from the cruise.

I’ll try to keep in touch while we are away, but knowing how difficult and expensive internet connections can be on board ship I shall have to keep my posts to a minimum.

Meanwhile, I wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and health and good fortune in the New Year.
